Dr. Craig P. Jasperse, Chemistry
NDSU Phone: (701) 231-5691     Home: (218) 291-9841     MSUM Phone: (218) 477-2230
Office: Ladd 214            
email: craig.jasperse@ndsu.edu            Office Hours:   M-F 12-1:30 (when not grading)  

Chem 341-Organic 1
Chem 342-Organic 2
About Online Organic
Chem 341-online
Chem 342-online
Chem 350-Organic 1
Chem 355-O1 Lab
Chem 360-Organic 2
Chem 365-O2 Lab
Chem 210-GenChem 2
Chem 150-GenChem 1

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How to watch the recorded Quicktime lecture movies:
1. For most computers, load QuickTime Player, hit "open URL" (under File), paste in the URL listed, and hit "Open". VLC or RealPlayer can also play them, but Windows Media Player will not.

2. Some computers (many Macintosh computers) are configured to play the movie simply by clicking on the link.

3. Any of the movies can be watched on the web by replacing the "rtsp" (streaming player) with "http".
-Many students prefer Quicktime/VLC/RealPlayer because resizing to full screen is easier than watching the movies on a web browser.

4. If you have trouble, contact Dr. Jasperse for help.